Pawn Stars: The Game Wiki

Items from Titanic aren't as rare as you'd think. A lot of salvaging has been done and the market is fairly large. Items made of Titanic, on the other hand...



  • Fact 1: This chessboard is constructed from wood found aboard the RMS Titanic, which sank on April 15, 1912.
  • Fact 2: Titanic was carrying 2,223 passengers when it departed Southampton, England. Of those, 706 survived the disaster.
  • Fact 3: Titanic featured a swimming pool, gymnasium, barber shop, telephone system, library, Turkish and electric baths, squash court, and four elevators.
  • Fact 4: Of Titanic's four iconic smokestacks, only three were functional. The fourth only provided ventilation and was added to make the ship look more impressive.
  • Fact 5: Titanic carried 20 lifeboats, enough for only one-third of her total capacity. This was well above the minimum standard at the time, which for Titanic would have been only 756.